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July 15-18, 2024

Our lab faculty and student attended IEEE International Congress on Intelligent and Service-Oriented Systems Engineering (CISOSE) 2024 in Shanghai, China.
Prof. Junhua Ding presented his work “Evaluation of Question Answering Based Text Summarization using LLM” and led heated discussions. He also contributed to the sessions “GenAI, Where are we going” and “Ethical, Societal, and Policy Implications of AI” as an invited panelist. He inspired the audience with his insights on the directions and challenges of GenAI, and specifically, the roles and responsibilities of governments, cooperates, and users. He won two rewards from the conference for his sharing, engaging, and organizing work.
Ph.D. student Yuhan Zhou shared the paper “A Survey on Data Quality Dimensions and Tools for Machine Learning”. She also hosted other sessions and operated ChatGPT as a virtual panelist to facilitate discussions.
Our lab would like to acknowledge the efforts of all the authors and everyone at the conference. Please stay tuned for more publications and feel free to connect.


May 31st, 2024

Our team had dinner at Oriental Garden Restaurant to celebrate Kaushal's graduation. Kaushal is the first graduate from our team. Congratulations on Kaushal's graduation. Wishing you well in your new chapter!

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May 1st, 2024

Our team attends the MOST conference.


December, 2023

We held a party to celebrate this semester's successful end.

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