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Kaushal Sen


M.S. student
University of North Taxes

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I am Kaushal Sen, a passionate graduate student at the University of North Texas, pursuing a master’s degree in data science within the Department of Information Science. Originating from the culturally rich city of Jabalpur, India, my academic journey began with a Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science, marked by exceptional performance and active participation in hackathons across India. After earning my bachelor's degree, I delved into the professional realm as a Teamcenter PLM Software Developer at HCL Technologies, India, collaborating with Siemens R&D. During this enriching two-year experience, I honed my skills in C++, Java, and SQL and ventured into the realm of cloud technologies, particularly Microsoft Azure services. Now, as a dedicated member of the University of North Texas community, I am fervently advancing my knowledge to forge a career in data science. My enthusiasm lies in the art of data manipulation, insightful analysis, and the creation of compelling visualizations. My research interests include data modeling, data mining, data visualization, big data analytics, and health informatics. Commencing in spring 2023, I have taken on the role of a graduate teaching assistant for the courses INFO 5810 Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery and INFO 5731 Computational Methods for Information Systems. In this capacity, my responsibilities encompass the design of assignments, facilitation of live demonstrations and hands-on classes, meticulous grading of assignments, and addressing any queries or concerns that students may have.
In the realm of data analytics, I am equipped with a diverse toolkit. From Python, Java, and C++ to Microsoft Excel, Tableau, and SQL Server, I navigate seamlessly through this array of tools. My functional skills include web scraping, statistical hypothesis testing, A/B testing, quantitative and regression analysis, optimization, forecasting, problem-solving, natural language processing, and a profound understanding of machine learning algorithms.
As I embark on this journey, my commitment is clear: to leverage the power of data analytics, contribute meaningfully to the field, and continuously evolve in tandem with the dynamic nature of data science.


  • MS in Data Science
  • University of North Taxes, USA
  • BS in Software Development, 2016 – 2020
  • RGPV Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India

Professional Experience

  • Teaching Assistant – January 2023 – Present
  • INFO 5810 – Data Analysis and Knowledge Discovery (Spring 2023, Summer 2023)
  • INFO 5731 – Computational Methods for Information Systems (Fall 2023)
  • Software Developer – October 2020 – August 2022
  • HCL Technologies, Pune, India