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Yuhan Zhou


Intern student

Publications / Group / Research

My research interests focus on text augmentation methods, NLP techniques, machine learning and deep learning models in LLM. I am also passionate about how information science can assist human affair. Welcome any discussion!


  • MS in Business Analytics, 2022-2023
  • The University of Hong Kong, HK
  • BS in Information Resource Management, 2018 - 2022
  • Zhejiang University, China


  • Wang, S., & Zhou, Y. (2022). Influencing Factors of Social Media Health Information Screening Ability and Its Improving of the Elderly.Library and Information Service, 66(24), 14-29.
  • Zhou, Y., Tu, F., Sha, K., Ding, J., & Chen, H. (2024). A Survey on Data Quality Dimensions and Tools for Machine Learning. arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.19614.

  • Awards

    • ZJU Academic Progress Award 2019-2020
    • ZJU Academic Excellence Award 2019-2020
    • Zhejiang University Scholarship 2019-2020